CHA News

Proposition 56 Graduate Medical Education Grant Application Cycle Opens

For CEOs, government relations staff, and designated institutional officers

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Grant applications for California’s graduate medical education (GME) CalMedForce program are being accepted through Oct. 28. The $40 million in available funding is allocated for primary care and emergency medicine residency programs, with priority given to programs that benefit medically underserved areas and populations.

The program is being granted through Physicians for a Healthy California. While grant applications must be submitted by Oct. 28, early submissions are encouraged. Applications received by Oct. 11 can be edited, if needed. Applications received Oct. 12 or later will be considered final.

CalMedForce is funded through Proposition 56, which was approved by voters in 2016. The program allocates GME funding to sustain, retain, and expand California residency positions in family medicine, emergency medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, and pediatrics to meet the needs of California’s medically underserved populations.

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